Science Fiction Research Project - Moving to Mars Design Museum Exhibit
At the beginning of there year I visited the Design Museum in London to see the ‘Moving to Mars’ exhibit. This exhibit covered the whole concept and human history of the idea of moving to mars, from our first discovery of mars, to science fiction stories about martians, to mars rover projects to the actual plans in place that will be implemented to send the first humans to Mars in the next decade. This exhibit was incredibly interesting, mainly because I had no idea there were real plans in place for humans to go to, and one day colonise mars! It really did feel like some of these ideas and technology were science fiction, because they seemed so advanced. For example, it explained how the environment that the humans will live in on mars will be made. Robot/rovers will be primarily sent too mars; in a designated spot they will; inflate big pods which will be living quarters for the astronauts. These pods all connect to form a cluster of rooms. Then the robots will pile mars e...