East Village - Initial Flyer Designs

With some of the more successful logo ideas, I decided to mock them up with some flyer designs to see how they might look in context. 

I like how this one creates the American flag yet in a slightly more minimal way, however its definitely still a bit too on the nose. We started using blues and reds when we experimented with colours to match the American flag.

I then started using horizontal lines as hang lines for the type as a more subtle design reference to the stars and stripes. I like the structure it gives the flyer, and also just using a grey works quite successfully in not drawing attention to the flyer, maybe the whole rebrand could be monochromatic. 

This design is similar to the last, except it incorporates this red triangle, this was a minimal geometric way of reprinting a martini/cocktail glass.

We still need to develop the logo more so were going to discuss ideas for it, decide which ideas are the most successful and work on those more. 


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