East Village - Developing The Visual Identity
With a new developed logo, I started coming up with ideas for a poster, flyer and business card.
The poster splits the modular logo in half, with type inspired by the Hatch Show Print posters.
Likewise, the business card displays either half of the logo on either side.
The flyer design is similar to some of the previous ones I did, except I had the idea to change the horizontal lines from hang lines, to lines that completely intersected the type. This was to highlight this idea of anonymity by obscuring the text somewhat.
The general visual identity for these designs is aimed to be as minimal and non-attention grabbing as possible, whilst still appearing well designed and refined. It does this by appearing on a black background with no colour. A lot of the type is either very thin, or it is outlined in an effort for it to not contrast the black background too much.
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