East Village - Collaborative Branding Project - Research

Caracol - Sometimes Always - This visual identity for ‘Caracol’ a lively bar in Sao Paulo, created by designer Sometimes Always, is incredibly effective, simple and eye-catching. Caracol is Portuguese for snail, so from the snail shell, this circle was taken which became the basis of the identity. The variety of circles, some appearing like suns, and the large palette of bright colours, perfectly suits the tone of the bar whilst remaining individual and memorable. A very simple design idea, executed with fantastic effect. I like the variety of different collateral which has been produced, all lying within the visual identity; because its so simple and intuitive, it’s easy to apply to a number of touch points. 

In general, the points that make this visual identity and re-brand so successful, are some of the ideas that we want to bring forward in this project - a simple branding idea and design solution, executed well and applied over a number of different end products. This is in line with what we put on the actual brief - “This visual identity must be intuitive and appropriate across this variety of formats and contexts”.

Printworks, London - Only - This visual identity I feel is also very successful, for similar reasons. The idea of the printing rollers in an actual printworks informed this warped logotype which can move all the way round in a motion graphic. I like the continuity and consistent style of this visual identity. The use of typography is very strong and succinct. The monochromatic colour application is very sophisticated and evocative of nightlife, especially with high amounts of black in the layouts and backgrounds. Which leads into what makes me think this project is a useful point of research - its very successful in communicating the brand effectively and the style and atmosphere of the events. This makes me think that in order to do this project properly, we really need to get a feel for East Village, what its like and what the atmosphere is like, so that we can communicate that in the design as effectively as possible. 

Brew by Numbers - Pentagram - We picked out this rebrand by Pentagram as a point of research because we started thinking about the parameters of the brief a bit more, and this idea of it being low-key and not overly advertised, almost kind of anonymous. From this, we thought maybe a good initial direction to go would be to create a visual identity that doesn’t draw too much attention to itself by being black and white and having a very uniform and normal sans serif. This project is an example of a project which has a very simple black and white aesthetic, its very understated, yet refined and balanced. This could definitely be inspiration for a good route to go down, however when considering creating an identity for a brand which has a level of anonymity, it can still be a bit more bright and playful, and you can maybe play with ideas like obscuring for removing info. 

We are going to start design logos with all the points that this research has brought up, in mind. Hopefully once we get a really good idea for the logo, like Sometimes Always’s Caracol project, a simple logo idea will really inform the development of the project. 


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