When HAWARF design studio decided to part their ways, they made a public Google drive folder of  their internal and client-facing documents:

3 Documents That I Found Useful/Interesting:

  1. Ethics and Values - I had always considered ethics and morality within design as something that one would consider internally, however with a studio you’re working with other people and there’s a possibility that your values may differ. I liked how HAWRAF had written up rules for their values, what they will try to do and rules that they feel are important to be set in stone.

  1. Pricing - As someone who has completed very little paid work, it was definitely interesting to see the pricing that HAWRAF had come up with, some of which I found to be surprisingly high such as £25 - 50k for a brand visual identity. I also think the rationality of their pricing of outgoings and what they need to make every year was very organised.

  1. Brainstorming - I liked how HAWRAF had photographed the white board from all of their brainstorming sessions as a means of documentation. I also liked how it showed that they actively came up with ideas, visuals and strategies together in an open collaborative way.

Two reflections that I’ve made on running a design studio

  1. Organisation is key - Hawraf  very rationally organised all the documentation associated with there studio, this makes everything a lot easier and super clear, but also to a degree, sets stuff in stone e.g. pricing can’t be disputed as they’ve laid it all out and also they’ve listed out their values as a set of rules which also makes them less disputable. 
  2. Running a studio is not all about making good designs; most of the folders and files on the drive are not actually related to design, more so to admin, account ting and legal stuff.

A System I Intend to Experiment with as a Result of this Research 

1. Brainstorming - I really found it intriguing the sheer quantity of images they had from brainstorming sessions, I think it’s really useful to get ideas up on a white board or sheet of paper and get them up in the air. Its not an idea generation method that I have used too frequently recently however I think its definitely helpful and I will endeavour to do it more in the future. 


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