COP Presentation - Feedback
In general, the feedback for my cop proposal was positive. My essay question makes sense and does not need to be altered and the research and reading I have done for my essay is on the right tracks. It was noted that the specific areas in which graphic design aids the consumption of music that I identified were good and that I need to push them individually and back them up with theories. In regards to research methods, it was suggested that an interview would be a lot more effective than a quiz/survey - a survey of 20 people or so really isn’t very effective data.
Most of the constructive feedback I received was in regards to my practical design project. While it was said that the work I had done for my Caramel album rebrand was good, and the physical typography experimentation was interesting, the basis and rationale of my project needs to change. While I do love designing record sleeves, the fact if the matter is that although vinyl has had a small resurgence, we simply do not consume vinyl records as a primary source of music these days. In fact when considering the idea of consumption as the purchasing of music, the vast majority of us don’t even consume music these days and instead download or stream it. How can I create a project which is engaged with this and is more relevant to streaming and digital platforms? Even album covers are less important than they used to be, on a screen they only appear as a small image. It was also suggested that I push the boat out a bit more in regards to what I produce.
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