COP Essay Structure Planning

  • Introduction - Graphic design is undoubtedly important in the consumption of music - this essay will explore a number of ways that design can aid the consumption of music
  • Album Covers Introduction- Album Covers are the most fundamental association between design and music - briefly discuss the origin of the album cover 
  • Album Covers Theory - Triangulate 3 sources - Why is an album cover so important? - aesthetic theory? - How can one singular image convince you to buy an album?
  • Case Study - XTC - Go 2 - anti design - consumer process of buying a record is recognised
  • Case Study - The White Album - compared to XTC’s Go 2 - is this anti design? - why was it still so successful? - The Beatles reputation and status - would this happen in the modern day?
  • Controversy - Case Study - Scorpions - Love Drive
  • Production - Creating Intrigue - Case Study - David Bowie Blackstar
  • Musical Acts as Brands - Triangulate 3 sources 
  • Charismatic Brands - Famous band logos - e.g. Rolling Stones
  • Other Branding Techniques - Iron Maiden album covers - creating a coherent and recognisable visual identity - increases brand loyalty
  • Subcultural Theory - Triangulate 3 sources 
  • Case Study - Punk - D.I.Y Aesthetic - Posters/zines/covers - Jamie Reid
  • Case Study - Psychedelic Design - Visualises the effects of being on psychedelic drugs
  • Advertising - Promotion and exposure - eg. Sunset boulevard billboards and Steve Albini - Email Billboard 
  • Modern Music Consumption - How important are some of these factors now given the technological and digital changes to the way we consume music - Are album covers as important as they used to be seeing as we just see them on a screen now? Is advertising on Billboards as important now that we see advertisements online?
  • Conclusion - Taking into account the points I’ve made and modern day considerations of how applicable they are now.


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